A few years back Andrea and I went on a hike. On this hike we saw these rocks stacked on top of another. Different shapes, different sizes, it didn’t matter if they were big or small. There was no rhyme or reason just simply rocks being stacked one at a time. I had to look this up, and yes it’s a thing. A BIG thing.
I said next time we’re out I’ll have to try one of these myself. So next time we went on a hike I saw one. I looked at Andrea and she knew exactly what I was thinking, on demand she said “go right ahead.” Let me tell you, I was in a trance. It was very soothing and calming. For someone like me, high energy ADD it was very calming. It was also challenging like a puzzle and balancing act all at the same time! I got mine about 8 (good sized) rocks high. Again I say it’s tougher then it looks. When you look at these rocks you may think, that’s simple, how hard can it be. Well being humans we all know the simplest things are sometimes the hardest that require the most patience. Case in point here.
When I was done I really felt an inner sense of pride and accomplishment. I felt relief. And I wanted my mini rock tower (compared to others) to stand the test of time! Who really knows if it would. Since then I have forgot where exactly mine was to even know if it was still up or if some kids / adults came by and kicked it over. Which got me wondering, how long will it stay up? So I was on mission 2.
Andrea and I found a nice stream to stop at one day while getting our youngest into a nap. As she was sleeping Andrea took our oldest (2nd youngest out of 4) girl out on the stream. Dad (me) stayed in the car while the youngest napped. I saw in the creek ahead where we parked, in a remote location, so remote it had no cell phone service at all, but there I saw a few of these “rock towers”. I took it upon myself to say when the youngest wakes up, I’m doing it. And I’m going to take a photo it and even go back again! Well I have a trip planned in August with just the “boys”, I recommend all dads to do. A trip in which just dad and his two sons are going away. We happen to be going to that same spot again! You bet your behind I’ll check in.
Here’s my Rock Balancing moment. I got 15 rocks high! I was proud.
I found out that there’s actually different kinds of “rock balancing”. Right from old reliable Wikipedia
Rock Stacking – rocks laid flat upon each other to great height.
Classic balance – each rock balanced inline.
Counterbalance – lower rocks depend on the weight of upper rocks to maintain balance.
Arch – rocks form a structure that spans a space. Similar to the architecture of ancient stone bridges.
Free style – a combination of two or more of the above.