We had the lawn cut even though building is right around the corner as it was pretty tall, and we will still be walking around the sides and back of the lot throughout the process. Here's to clearing the lot to begin shortly! … [Read more...]
Marking Trees to be Removed
So we went down to our land and started to mark off trees that were either going to be too close to the house, or were dead(or dying). We tried to keep as many trees as possible since so many of them are old and established, and beautiful! … [Read more...]
Our Land Prior to Building
Our Modern Farmhouse Will Soon Be A Reality
So I think we've both been too scared to jinx it and have kept pretty hesitant to talk about our plans to even our closest friends and family, but today we officially signed our loan to begin construction on our new home. This is a long time coming, to put it shortly. We are so … [Read more...]